Prior to restarting or continuing to provide services, Independent Health
Facilities (IHFs) should complete an *organizational risk assessment *(ORA)
that assesses the efficacy of control measures that are in place to
mitigate the transmission of infections.
On behalf of the CPSO, Public Health Ontario has created a checklist that
can be used by those working in IHFs for self-assessment and to guide
policies, procedures, preparedness and response planning. This assessment
checklist is to be used in addition to—and does not replace—the advice,
guidelines, recommendations, directives, or other direction of provincial
Ministries and local public health authorities.
*Until further notice, this checklist will be utilized by the CPSO as a
part of the assessment process. *
The ministry strongly recommends that every IHF should ensure that there is
a *physician available *during the IHF hours of operation to answer any
questions/concerns from staff and provide clinical guidance, when required,
for patients and staff to receive or provide services if they screen
positive but are asymptomatic.
If you have any questions regarding the requirements in the checklist
please contact the CPSO at: