Redeployment Request for IHF Personnel

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From Pauline Ryan, Director, Independent Health Facilities:

The recent Executive Order under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act provides IHFs with the authority to redeploy staff to hospitals to help with capacity needs  related to the current third wave of COVID-19 in Ontario. Staff will only be redeployed on a volunteer basis but the current and unprecedented need for health professionals to provide services and provide assistance in hospitals should be considered in this discussion.

DM memo to Health Sector Stakeholders 22-04-2021

CMOH Directive #2 – Health Care Providers – April 20 2021 FINAL AODA

For more information, please see the attached memo and the following link to the executive order (

The IHFP will reach out shortly with more information should you have available HHR capacity, and staff that are willing to be deployed to hospitals.

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