To clarify the entry practice proficiencies of a CARDUP Generalist Sonographer and the CARDUP Vascular Sonographer, qualifications have been issued.
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CPSO Annual Fee Deadline Jan 31st
Reminder from the CPSO: invoices were mailed last November for April 2013 – March 2014. To avoid incurring penalties and interest charges, please send in payments by January 32st, 2014. Click here for more information.
Name Change of Sonography Association
As of January 1, 2014, Sonography Canada / Échographie Canada is officially the single national organization working on behalf of Canadian sonographers and supporting the profession of sonography in Canada.
Equipment Lifecycle Guidance
The Canadian Association of Radiologists has issued a Lifecycle Guidance for Medical Imaging Equipment in Canada to help determine when and under what conditions selected medical imaging devices should be considered for replacement, upgrading, and the introduction of new/ emerging technologies.
New Policy Guide for Specialty Clinics
Starting with cataract and colonoscopy procedures, MOHLTC is establishing community-based specialty clinics.
Relocation Policy Updated, Effective January 1, 2014
The Relocation Application (fixed site) has been revised to reflect changes in policy. For example, the relevant LHIN is to be contacted instead of hospitals by the Ministry in cases in which a proposed relocation is within an identified distance of a community hospital…and there are other changes.
IHF Program has moved, effective January 2014
New address: Independent Health Facilities Program 370 Select Drive, PO Box 168, Kingston, ON, K7M 8T4
Ontario Temporary Health Program (OTHP) Announced, effective Jan. 1, 2014
The Ministry of Health and Long-term Care (MOHLTC) has advised the IDCA of changes to the Ontario Temporary Health Program that will come in to effect January 1, 2014.
We Built Bridges and Removed Silos at Annual Conference
It was great to see so many IHF representatives attending the IDCA’s annual conference in Richmond Hill, Ontario on September 20th. The insights shared by our speakers and their responses to our questions were greatly appreciated. Their presentations are available for review.
Medical Claims Electronic Data Transfer Web Service
New Medical Claims Electronic Data Transfer (MC EDT) Web Service is ready for conformance testing. The Ministry has announced that electronic data transfer (EDT) and health card validation (HCV) will be upgraded to an internet web service. IHFs will no longer be required to use a dedicated line, instead using a web portal-like platform called… Read more »